Our work gives us our everyday bread therefore we still believe that education should focus mainly on teaching us how to master our jobs and all necessary procedures, technologies and tools on the state-of-the-art level. We do not mean that knowledge of other kind is useless. There are many different professions and modern people deem general intelligence important too. We all need to broaden our horizons and expand our knowledge from other fields. For example, technicians should know a lot about psychology of work. Similarly, psychologists should understand the work of technicians and develop their skills to be able to use modern technologies in the cognitive process. This obviously includes also the ability to use equipment necessary for improving the quality and precision of laboratory results and clinical practice itself. Education is a general term for educational system and adult education, upbringing and education, tuition and training, teaching and out-of-school education, pedagogy and andragogy. Our study deals with relations among curricula, requirements of practice and the system of sciences. We pay attention also to pedagogical and didactical viewpoints and we analyse them within the context of economy. The aim of the paper is to clarify some of the aspects of relations between economic needs of companies and the discrepancies between these needs and real outcomes of the current educational system in our geopolitical space.
Keywords: education, university, business, credentialism, practice, employment
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